Important Note:
As of August 15th, 2013 I will no longer update this post as new yeasts are added to my yeast bank. A full list of available yeasts, as well as information on how I share these strains, is now located on a dedicated yeast exchange page.While no one seems to comment on my blog, a few people have sent me emails, several of which have asked about trading or buying yeast from our bank. As most of the banked yeasts are from commercial sources I am hesitant to sell them, but I am open to trade. Below the fold you will find a complete list of our yeasts, and I will do my best to keep this list updated. As always, the update list can be found over at the London Homebrewers Guild webpage.
I use a simple and cheap system for sharing yeasts, the details of which can be found here. If you have yeasts which you would like to exchange but lack the capacity to prepare these mailers yourself, e-mail me and I will be more than happy to send you some prepared mailers that you can then use to send me yeast in return.
Requests can be set emailed to "suigenerisbrewing {ampersal} gmail {period} com", with the stuff between the curly brackets replaced with the correct symbol off the keyboard. As a spam control, the subject line must start with the following, including the square brackets:

Emails lacking the above text in the subject line are automatically sent to the trash. The yeast list can be found below the fold...